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Balance Your Neurotransmitters & Hormones For a Long Healthy Happy Life

Sanesco NeuroLab® HPA and HPA-G Basic (Neurotransmitter, Stress, Sex, and Sleep Hormone) Urine & Saliva Test

Take a closer look at your neurotransmitter and hormone levels with Sanesco NeuroLab’s cutting edge at-home testing kit. Learn more about your brain, your hormones, and how they affect your daily life.

NeuroLab® is a leading specialist in the technology, analysis, and research of the biomarkers associated with Hypothalmic-Pituitiary-Adrenal axis function. HPA function is pivotal to optimal function of the body’s neuroendocrine communication system.

HPA-G Basic Test Kit Includes:

    • Urinary Neurotransmitters:   serotonin, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, epinephrine
    • Salivary Stress Hormones: cortisol (4pt), DHEA-s (2pt)
    • Urinary Sex Hormones:  Estrogen, Testosterone, Progesterone


Our product formulas were developed from a new perspective— promote neuroendocrine health to address clinical concerns rather than begin with the symptom. Additionally, instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, provide only what each individual needs for healthy neurotransmitter and hormone function. Thereby, personalizing care and nutrition to promote optimal health.

With this in mind, a team of clinician’s studied the science to find the safest, most effective, bioactive ingredients for neurotransmitters and hormones. They then combined ingredients to create formulas targeting specific aspects of neuroendocrine health. Additional ingredients were included to ensure absorption.

Among the first to take this approach, TNT formulas are proven to make a statistically significant impact on many common quality-of-life concerns including sleep, mood, anxiousness, energy, focus, weight, and more when combined with the Communication System Management™ (CSM) approach and clinician-led implementation.

Our TNT formulations are all made in the U.S.A., include only the highest quality, bioavailable, and bioactive forms of amino acids, vitamins, botanicals, and minerals. The ingredients in our products are strategically selected based on published studies supporting the ingredient’s safety and efficacy from the best sources found worldwide.

  • Indications

    GABA is important for: 
    • Sleep
    • Calm and relaxation
    • Mood
    • Regulating excitability
    Serotonin also plays important roles in: 
    • Mental and emotional health (including mood and anxiousness)
    • Aggression
    • Learning
    • Stress response
    • Appetite and cravings
    • Pain perception
    • Libido
    • GI motility
    • Thermoregulation
    • Menstrual health 
    • Sleep  
    • Calm and relaxation 
    • Muscle control and coordination
  • The Adaptacin™ formula combines adaptogens with the adrenal cortex glandular. The adaptogens in Adaptacin are herbs that attenuate the effects of stress.   Together, these ingredients tonify the adrenal gland and support adrenal function.  


      Adrenal health is important for: 
    • Energy 
    • Stress response 
    • Resilience 
    • Focus 
    • Weight management 
    • Menopause/Andropause 
    • Healthy blood sugar regulation 
    • Mental and emotional health  
  • SomniTR™ is a delayed-release formula designed to initially release 1 mg of melatonin immediately after ingestion and 1 mg three hours later to help the patient stay asleep longer.   SomniTR™ supports optimal melatonin production by supplementing multiple steps in the serotonin-to-melatonin pathway and also influences inhibitory GABAergic activity.  


    GABA is vital for: 
    • Sleep
    • Calm and relaxation
    • Mood
    • Regulating excitability
      Melatonin is critical for: 
    • Sleep
  • MethylMax™ is a full-spectrum methylation formula for the support of all major methylation pathways. Methylmax is commonly recommended for patients with an elevated norepinephrine/epinephrine ratio as well as for patients who exhibit decreased stamina and/or low energy.


    Methylation is important for:
    • Detoxification of heavy metals
    • Regulation of gene expression
    • DNA repair
    • Regulation of protein function
    • Synthesis/metabolism of some neurotransmitters
    • Maintaining healthy homocysteine levels
    SAMe plays roles in:
    • Phospholipid synthesis
    • Low mood
    • Connective tissue health
    • Healthy liver function
    • Attention
  • Indications

    Dopamine plays important roles in: 
    • Motivation
    • Impulse control
    • Cravings, pleasure, and reward
    • Libido
    Norepinephrine contributes to: 
    • Stress response
    • Mental and emotional health (including mood) 
    • Hot flashes
    • Hyperactivity
    • Focus and cognitive function
    • Aches and discomfort
    • Aggression
    • Weight management
    • Energy
    Epinephrine is important for: 
    • Stress response
    • Emotional health
    • Blood sugar regulation
    • Weight management
  • Contegra™ is a broad-spectrum support formula for those who complain of anxiousness yet are fatigued due to poor sleep quality.


    Inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter balance is critical for: 
    • Mental and emotional health 
    • Energy 
    • Calm and relaxation 
    Adrenal health is important for: 
    • Energy 
    • Stress response 
    • Resilience 
    • Focus 
    • Weight management 
    • Menopause & andropause 
    • Healthy blood sugar regulation 
    • Mental and emotional health  
    Thyroid health plays important roles in: 
    • Weight management
    • Energy
    • Digestion
    • Mood
  • Indications:

    GABA is important for: 
    • Sleep
    • Calm and relaxation
    • Mood
    • Regulating excitability
    Serotonin also plays important roles in: 
    • Mental and emotional health (including mood and anxiousness)
    • Aggression
    • Learning
    • Stress response
    • Appetite and cravings
    • Pain perception
    • Libido
    • GI motility
    • Thermoregulation
    • Menstrual health
    • Sleep
    • Calm and relaxation  
    Muscle control and coordination Glycine is important in: 
    • Pain perception
    • Detoxification
    • Connective tissue health
    • Sleep
  • Lentra™ is a natural formula targeting GABA-A receptors. It is a highly effective product that supports inhibitory neurotransmission and allows relaxation and restfulness without inducing sedation.  


      GABA is vital for: 
    • Sleep
    • Calm and relaxation
    • Mood
    • Regulating excitability
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